Teach. Everywhere.

And so ends my first week of full time University teaching.

Man, how I love teaching.

I mean, I love researching too.  But nothing – nothing – beats the buzz that you get from that act of ‘luring people in’ to a new area of knowledge, getting them excited about it, showing them new ways of thinking.

Anyone who says that teaching isn’t an art form is dead wrong.  This week, teaching again after about 9 months off, I felt like a rusty ballerina!  There were some stumbles, and my fitness is down.  But the dance…it’s addictive.  And the vulnerability you feel when you do it is part of the buzz.

A big shout out to all the staff and students in the School of Cultural and Language Studies in Education at QUT who have helped me feel so welcome 🙂  You rock!

  1. #1 by Imelda Judge on August 15, 2010 - 11:18 am

    Yeh! I know you do! Hope it all works out for you there. I miss you at school but you had to move on to bigger and better things. You are so right about the’buzz’… and I have no doubt it will take you no time at all to get your fitness back!

  2. #2 by kmcg2375 on August 20, 2010 - 1:09 pm

    Aww, thanks Mel 🙂
    I had a couple of really great classes this week and I’m starting to feel a bit more at home.

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